Sunday, December 23, 2012

Reaching My Goal!

I wanted to reflect for a minute on reaching my goal of 60 books for the 2012 Reading Challenge.  I must say that I really enjoyed about 90% of the books I read this year (maybe more).  Of course, my dad says I've never read a book that I didn't love.  I think that's only partially true.  I never recommend books to him that I didn't love, so he never sees the ones I didn't like!  Of course, I usually love a book while I'm reading it if I can immerse myself into the world that's created and really get to know the characters along the way.  Often though, after I've stepped away from that world and thought about it a little, I see a lot of flaws with it that didn't bother me at the time.  I like to escape in a book, and I can suspend disbelief pretty easily.  But, I'm getting off on a tangent.  I hit 60 books a little while ago (I'm currently at 65 now).  I just wonder if that is my average for a year, or if I pushed myself to read more because of the challenge.  I am curious to find out next year.  I think I'm going to up my goal to 70-75 next year and see how it turns out.  I am also curious to see if meeting my goal was partially due to the fact that I was taking library science classes this past year that also required me to read YA novels for class.  Probably around 10 of the books on my challenge list were required reading.  At this point, I have a little over a week until the year ends, and I'm hoping to add a couple of more books to my count before January 1.  I should finish up one today even!